Terry Underhill FCIHort Obituary

Terry Underhill FCIHort Obituary

Terry Underhill FCIHort 1938-2022 Born in Leyton in East London Terry grew up in a socialist background, his father Reg, was created a Life Peer in 1979. He first learnt of the pleasures of gardening, aged four years, when he raised a crop of radish from seed and...

January eHort Message from the President

January eHort Message from the President

As we enter 2023, I feel we can build on the progress we have made during the last year. The Education Core Interest group has held its first meeting. James Wagstaffe, who will take the group forward, has produced an action plan—initially forming task groups to work...

December eHort Message from The President

December eHort Message from The President

As we enter the final month of the year, I am optimistic that we are moving in the right direction. Grow Careers in Scotland was a great success. A full auditorium and some virtual attendees were captivated by presentations from David Domoney, Chris Collins, Andy...

November eHort Message from The President

November eHort Message from The President

Careers in horticulture are very much in our focus. We have been working collaboratively during what is a very challenging time to highlight and promote the opportunities available to both young people and career changers. Grow Careers on 16th November is a hybrid...

October eHort Message from The President

October eHort Message from The President

I have just returned from our conference in Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Being able to meet face to face gave delegates the opportunity to network, meet friends and have meaningful debate after each presentation. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh provided a...

Her Majesty The Queen

Her Majesty The Queen

The Chartered Institute of Horticulture joins with people around the globe in mourning the loss of Her Majesty The Queen. We are honoured that she granted us Chartership in 2014. Throughout her life she demonstrated a love of open spaces, the countryside and...

Review of Automation in Horticulture

Review of Automation in Horticulture

The Government published its Review of Automation in Horticulture at the end of July.  You can read a press release about the review here. The review includes, amongst other points, that Defra should consider pursuing a long-term Seasonal Workers Scheme.

September eHort Message from The President

September eHort Message from The President

A career in Horticulture is both varied and rewarding. Now, more than ever, there is a need to promote opportunities for both newly qualified and those changing career. Historically our profession has not been promoted by many careers’ advisers, but I feel that change...

CIH Education Committee Applications Open

CIH Education Committee Applications Open

Following on from the education committee open meeting on 26th July, enclosed are the terms of reference for the committee, link to application to join the group and for those who are not yet members of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIH), membership...

August eHort Message from The President

August eHort Message from The President

As part of our strategy to expand our membership the new membership category, Early Career Horticulturist, is in the process of being formed. We are excited to offer a place on the Council of Trustees for a person with the relative experience to apply. Details of how...

July eHort Message from The President

July eHort Message from The President

The Branch Chairs and the Council of Trustees meetings took place in June at The York Gate Garden of the charity Perennial. This tranquil setting provided us with the space to reflect on our progress and explore further ideas. Those who could not attend in person...