Norah Stucken Award Presentation 2023

Outstanding Horticultural Project    The Chartered Institute of Horticulture have awarded their Norah Stucken Award for 2023 to Bankside Open Spaces Trust (BOST) for their work with the Future Gardeners Program.  The award is made for projects that have...

Pam Pointer Award Recipients 2023

Outstanding Horticultural Students Recognised   The Chartered Institute of Horticulture have awarded their Pam Pointer Awards for 2023 to Joe Lofthouse and Melanie Davies. The award is made to recognise outstanding practical and academic achievements as nominated...

December eHort Message from the President

Some focus on the need of government to invest in the sector this month with the House of Lords Report, we will be keeping a keen eye on the follow up to this and the excellent step by the Irish Government to invest in the development of the Commercial Horticulture...