The Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIH) welcomes the publication of the report from The House of Lords Horticultural Sector Committee Inquiry on the Horticulture Industry. The Committee sought evidence from a broad range of horticulture businesses, organisations, interested parties, retailers, and government departments regarding the sector, its key priorities, the pressures it faces, and the commitments required to build a strong future for the industry. As agricultural policy is a devolved matter, the inquiry focused largely on the horticulture sector in England.

The CIH submitted written evidence to the inquiry with a key focus being the need for improving cross departmental collaboration to deliver a dedicated government strategy for the horticulture industry which sets out a long-term commitment and focus from government to enable the industry to thrive.  

The report sets out 167 conclusions and recommendations.See the full report here. A summary of the report can be viewed here with a report animation video also available on X (formally Twitter) @HLHorticulture.

The CIH will continue to work with industry partners and support the need for coordinated action across the industry to develop strong relationships and promote the voice of professional horticulture, not only representing England but also in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.


The House of Lords has created a committee to produce a report on the Horticultural Industry which will be taking place this year.  A Committee of 12 from all parties including crossbenchers will be chaired by Lord Redesdale. 

The CIH submitted written evidence on behalf of Members and industry, thank you to all Members that sent contributions.

UK Parliament website as a dedicated page for the Horticultural Sector Committee special inquiry.  Most events are recorded.  If you would like to keep up to date with proceedings, follow the link below and ‘view all events’ in the section marked ‘Upcoming events’.  Meetings that have taken place have been recorded and can be viewed here.