The House of Lords have launched an enquiry into the Horticultural Industry, and we have been asked directly to contribute to this. It is a great opportunity and is likely to address how science and technology could support the industry, education opportunities available and how we impact on climate change to name a few. The Committee who will produce the report on the Horticultural Sector was appointed in January 2023. It is chaired by Lord Rupert Redesdale and will report by 30 November 2023. We are in a unique position representing many diverse sectors of the industry. We have consulted with members representing different sectors and have formulated a response. We are aware of the many challenges facing horticulture. They include the rising input costs and labour shortages, the increased production and cultivation of fruit vegetables needed to address the food shortages being experienced and the production of ornamental plants. The impact on climate change can also be addressed.

The date for the removal of Peat based growing media and looking for alternatives is causing much debate. DEFRA have announced the intention to ban the commercial use of peat by 2026. Many in the industry have indicated that this is to soon. There are many trials being undertaken to find suitable affordable alternatives but given that peat-based products have been developed over a period of 70 years in relative terms it is early days.

The cold weather experienced in March has impacted on both growers and the Garden centre retail trade. As the weather appears to be warming up it is hoped that this will have a positive effect for both.

Preparations for the grand final of the Young Horticulturist of the year are now in place. It will be held at Emmanuel College Cambridge on 6th May 2023. The eight regional finals have taken place and we look forward to announcing the overall winner in due course.

The arrangements for the AGM and Study tour have been finalised. I am delighted to say that a further visit has been arranged for Saturday 13th May to Exbury gardens where the head gardener will lead a conducted tour. Places for the study tour on Friday 12th are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

There are many branch visits due to take place in the next few months so please give them your support. Northern branch are once again staffing an advice stand at the Harrogate Spring Flower Show. If you are attending, please visit the stand as it will give you the opportunity to catch up with colleagues.

Susan Nicholas FCIHort