The CIH Award
An award held by only 50 horticulturists at one time for their significant contribution to horticulture.

Held by only 50 people at any one time, the Chartered Institute of Horticulture Award is given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to horticulture. We have a fantastic range of award holders from exceptional past CIH presidents to public figures, renowned botanists and and researchers. Recipients need not necessarily be CIH members and they are chosen by our Council Members and Past Presidents.
Current recipients
David Ballard AHRHS
Christopher Brickell CBE VMH FCIHort
Peter Cox VMH
Dr Peter R Dawson VMH
Raymond Evison OBE VMH FCIHort
Derrick Fuller CBE VMH FCIHort
Clive Gotham
Michael Hall
David Hand FCIHort
Peter Hemsley VMM FCIHort
Tom Wood VMH
Susan Nicholas FCIHort
Dr Dave Hessayon VMM FCIHort
Michael Hickson VMHM FCIHort
Anthony Keeling
James Kelly FCIHort
Roy Lancaster CBE VMH FCIHort FLS
Dr Anthony Lord VMH MCIHort
Brian Marshall
Dr Robert Maude
James (Jim) McColl MBE VMM
Dr Joan Morgan VMM
Brother James O’Hare FCIHort
Sylvia Parrett
Arnold Peeters
Leo Pemberton VMH FCIHort
Michael R Pollock AHRHS
John M Richardson AHRHS
Peter Rogers OBE MCIHort
John Sales VMH
Brian Self VMH FCIHort
John Simmons OBE VMH
Tim Smit CBE
Bernard Sparkes AHRHS FCIHort
Douglas Stacey AHRHS FCIHort
Peter Thoday VMM
Alan Titchmarsh MBE VMH FCIHort
David Tristram MCIHort
Sarah Wain
Eric Wall
David Wetton
Keith Wiley
Past recipients of the award
Jack Woodward
Henry Noblett VMM FCIHort
John Glazebrook VMM FCIHort
Frank Constable MBE AHRHS FCIHort
R J (Bob) Corbin FCIHort
Alan Barber FCIHort
Desmond Day FI Hort
John Green MCIHort
George Gilbert FCIHort
Richard Hirst FCIHort
Victor W Fowler VMM FCIHort
Oliver Menhinick MBE FCIHort
Cyril Mitchelmore VMM FCIHort
Dr Keith Lamb
Alun Rees
Ronald J Smith OBE FCIHort
2016 Norah Stucken Award winner
Find out about this years recipient of the Norah Stucken Award